Bozeman Sculpture Park Joins Gallatin Art Crossing
By Rachel Hergett, Get Out! Editor
Bozeman Daily Chronicle, Get Out! – August 29, 2014
Two groups dedicated to bringing community art to Bozeman were organized within a year of each other in 2008 and 2009. Though Bozeman is known for artistic appreciation, the groups silently competed over donor dollars and recognition.
“I’ve always thought Bozeman isn’t a big enough community to house two sculpture programs,” said Tate Chamberlin, founder and president of the board of Gallatin Art Crossing. “It’s confusing to donors and diluted both of our resources.”
Now, the two programs have become one. At the end of July, the Bozeman Sculpture Park’s board of directors voted to join forces with Gallatin Art Crossing, expanding the reach to 75 individual locations for sculptures to be displayed between the Bozeman Public Library and the Emerson Center for the Arts and Culture.
“The board members present at the Bozeman Sculpture Park meeting on July 22, 2014 feel they have made a positive move toward developing public art at the Bozeman Sculpture Park and in the City of Bozeman that represents a new momentum for public art and the artists served through the arts in Bozeman,” stated Chaucer Silverson, outgoing president of the BSP board, in an email to the Chronicle.